Many acquaintances, interested clients, often have a question when requesting a certain list of documents: what is Nota Simple? and what is a Title deed?
And often it is necessary to clarify which is which. Let’s analyze it now.
- Simple note – Nota simple – is an extract from the register, from the registration chamber, where the data of the owners and the immovable object in question are indicated. When it is necessary to confirm the identity of the current owners of the object, to request a visa, to submit documents for a request to obtain a residence permit, and much more, this statement is the guarantor of current data – who is the owner at the moment.And it has a validity period of 3 months.
It is also a very common question before when asked to receive or request this statement. By itself, it is very cheap. Depends on the region, but the cost does not vary much. But what happens when asked, with the statement: “Well, it’s worth a penny.” At the same time, no one takes into account what resources are spent by the applicant in order to receive and send this extract.
- The title deed – Escritura – is of different types. Deed of purchase of real estate (escritura compra venta), deed of purchase of a mortgage, credit (escritura de hipoteca), deed of inheritance of an object (escritura de herencia).This document collects ALL possible data from all parties involved in the transaction. Most often, if a company or state. the body requests such a document, then only in order to know exactly what is at stake and take into account all the factors, all the details and nuances associated with the transaction, and correctly draw up one or another tax, declaration, filing a request for a refund, etc.
If you turned to a specialist, with a specific task, a question that arose for you, then before drawing up or submitting any kind of declaration, you yourself a priori must take into account that the given physical. or legal. the person who primarily represents your interests. Also, do not forget to sign a service agreement. In this case, you can not worry about the safety of your personal data and provide this person with all the documents that will be needed to resolve your issue.
Otherwise, you may have many questions in the future to clarify the details. And if suddenly, not our case, of course, your confidant makes a mistake due to ignorance of all the details that he needs, then you will still blame this person, which is wrong.
If you are worried about providing complete information to third parties, please contact us, as in our company, we fully comply with the rules for the rules for the protection of personal data (politica de privacidad de datos).
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