So it happened!

The state published on its page all the conditions for obtaining

Periodic assistance of an economic nature, to residents of the Valencia region, whose level of economic resource does not reach the corresponding minimum income amount, which is insufficient to cover the minimum expenses of daily life.

Interested / Applicants

In general, those who meet the requirements established by law are entitled to a request for a specified subsidy.

  • You must be at least 25 years old as of the date of application.
  • Persons under the age of 25 who, meeting other requirements, are also in one of the following situations:

1.- To be of legal age and to be registered in any of the regimes that make up the social security system at least one year before submitting an application for assistance to the Valencia region, and provided that prior to submitting an application, he lived independent of his family of origin.

… other conditions by the link at the beginning of our article.


Those who meet the following requirements will be eligible to receive assistance from the Valencia region:

a) Be registered or have an actual place of residence for at least 12 months, continuously, in any municipality of Valencia region, immediately before the date of application.

b) The lack of financial resources, or, if available, that they are less than the monthly calculation of the Valencia inclusion method.

c) not have movable or immovable property, except for the usual place of residence, for which there is a right of ownership, possession, usufruct or any other, which, due to its characteristics, assessment, possibility of exploitation or sale, indicates the availability of sufficient funds and the excess of the amount of Valencian income . Those who are part of a specially protected heritage, people with disabilities, created in accordance with the provisions of its specific provisions, will be exempted from this prohibition.

Where to go?

  • Personally

Interested parties should preferably submit an application in the official register of the City Hall of the city of residence, where the applicant has an actual residence. Similarly, it can also be presented in the official registers of the region, or using any of the forms provided for in article 16.4 of Law 39/2015 of October 1 on the general procedure of state administrations.

Due to the current situation, the reason # Covid_19, the filing data before emergency response, will only need to be performed online, telematically.

  • On the internet

The following link: when processing with an electronic certificate


Due to the complexity of this application process, request for assistance from the Valencia region, a large number of documents must be collected. indicated by the link at the beginning of the article.

We can offer you our service, in assistance in preparing an application – if you are not able to file these applications telematically, assistance in collecting documents for submission, etc.

Write to us by mail, or contact us, and we will solve the sequential process.



Legal and / or documentary sources

— LEY 19/2017, de 20 de diciembre, de la Generalitat, de renta valenciana de inclusión (DOGV núm. 8196, de 22/12/2017).
— DECRETO 60/2018, de 11 de mayo, del Consell, por el que se desarrolla la Ley 19/2017, de 20 de diciembre, de la Generalitat, de renta valenciana de inclusión (DOGV núm. 8310, de 05/06/2018).
— Ley 27/2018, de 27 de diciembre, de medidas fiscales, de gestión administrativa y financiera y de organización de la Generalitat.

Lista de normativa

LEY 19/2017, de 20 de diciembre, de la Generalitat, de renta valenciana de inclusión
Ver Decreto 60/2018, de 11 de mayo, del Consell, por el que se desarrolla la Ley 19/2017, de 20 de diciembre, de la Generalitat, de renta valenciana de inclusión.

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