From our company ConsultInfo

We bring to your attention a comprehensive service for filing income declarations for renting your property, as well as filing tax declarations to Non-Residents.

1. Submission of tax on income from the rental of your property: Deadlines for submitting this declaration should be paid during the actual year of rent

* from April 1 to April 20 (for the first quarter),

* from July 1 to July 20 (for the second quarter),

* from October 1 to October 20 (for the third quarter)

* from January 1 to January 20 (for the fourth quarter).


2. Non-Resident tax filing:

* during the calendar year, over the past year. Until December 31 of each year.


Hurry up and we will save you from fines for late submission of declarations.
** Nice price for registration and submission of declarations !!

No one thinks that timely tax filing can save you from unnecessary tax inspections or penalties! The tax office has already started sending “letters of happiness” to owners who did not even rent out property, but simply came to rest in sunny Spain themselves. And then what?

And for those who want to get a residence permit, it’s very important for them to file taxes on time.


Pay taxes and live in peace !!! 🙌


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