As a result, an emergency public health caused by the # Covid_19, the Spanish government announced a state of alert throughout the country by Royal Decree 463/2020 of 14 March.
One of the groups that is most likely to suffer from this crisis, and which makes up the majority of the Valencian business network, is Autonomo employees, who were forced to cease operations. Therefore, the state of Valencia area immediately appealed the actions necessary to mitigate the inevitable damage caused by this circumstance.
For this reason, the State has taken measures to provide immediate assistance, to SP (Autonomo) workers.
Article 1. Purpose and scope
The purpose of the decree (DECRETO 44/2020, de 3 de abril, del Consell, de aprobación de las bases reguladoras de concesión directa de ayudas urgentes a personas trabajadoras en régimen de autónomo afectadas por la Covid-19) is to approve the fundamentals that govern the provision helping to Autonomo workers in the Valencian region, including members of associate workers’ cooperatives, to compensate for the decrease in income received due to the emergency declaration.
Article 2 The procedure for the award of
1. These grants will be awarded directly to the applicant. According to the law, these subsidies have the effect of exceptional, unique and unpredictable developments of the situation.
Article 3 Beneficiaries and requirements
1. People who have collected certain requirements may be beneficiaries:
a) Permanently be registered in the Special regime for self-employed workers – IP (Autónomo), at least between December 31, 2019 and March 14, 2020.
Article 5. Form and deadline for filing applications
1. An application must be submitted electronically to the electronic headquarters of the State of Valencia (Generalitat Valenciana) in accordance with an approved procedure called “EAUCOV 2020 – Emergency Assistance for Self-Employed Workers” (EAUCOV 2020 Ayuda extraordinaria a personas trabajadoras autónomas Covid-19 “).
On the site
LABORA ( information and documentation will be available to fulfill this request, and access to the electronic office to fill out the form. Any request submitted by a procedure that differs from that specified in this law will be considered inadmissible.
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