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  • The use of vehicles in the economic activities of self-employed persons — companies (hereinafter referred to as Self-Employed Persons) raises the question of justifying a partial or full connection with the said activity. According to tax legislation, only expenses related to vehicles used in economic activities are subject to deduction, which requires the taxpayer to […]

  • Wealth tax is levied on the net assets (worldwide property) of individuals, the totality of assets and rights of economic substance that they own, minus charges and encumbrances that reduce their value, as well as debts and personal obligations. The obligation to file is usually for individuals permanently residing in Spain. 1   If the tax […]

  • Desde principios de 2024, el Estado español ha introducido un nuevo modelo/Modelo 721 – Declaración Informativa sobre Criptoactivos ¿Qué personas físicas están obligadas a presentar la información acerca de las monedas virtuales situadas en el extranjero respecto del año 2023? Estarán obligadas las personas físicas ➔ Que tengan la consideración de residente fiscal en territorio […]

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  • It’s quite simple. For children born in Spain, whose one of the parents has a residence permit, after receiving a foreign passport, documents are submitted for the child, with the same right of residence as the parent. And of course, for the different residence permits that the parent has, a corresponding application form is submitted. […]

  • You urgently need to sell your property outside Spain! Or close a loan on your account in another country! Of course, you can go to the place of sale and spend a lot of time and money or… Or simply issue a power of attorney to perform a particular process What should I do? Everything […]

  • From our company ConsultInfo From April 1, the period for submitting declarations of income from the rental of real estate in Spain began. The deadlines for filing returns will be extended until 20 April 2022, but if you want the payment to be made automatically from your Spanish account, so as not to make it […]

  • The Official Language School of Torrevieja invites all refugees and war victims in Ukraine to fill out this form if they are interested in taking a Spanish course for beginners (1A2). One or more groups can be opened at different time intervals depending on the number of applicants. Please forward it to as many people […]

  • On 07.03.2022 there was news to apply for asylum in Spain. From the National Police, new information has been received for the submission of a REQUEST for refugee. Very simple: Download the asylum application form. This document can also be requested on the spot at the National Police. Is free. Fill out the form, indicating […]

  • What is this model 720? Informative declaration of property and assets located abroad. Form 720 is an informative declaration of assets and rights held abroad. In other words, if you own shares, securities, accounts, or real estate overseas, you must file Form 720 every year. Who is required to apply. Mandatory to file model 720, […]

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